From the low and steamy plains
'Upward!' the old School calls;
Come share our joys and pains;
Come, mould your limbs and brains;
'Upward!' the old School calls;
St. Paul's, St. Paul's, St.Paul's!


When pales and dies the light
'Courage!' the old School calls;
Fear not the darkest night;
Clouds only veil the light;
'Courage!' the old School calls;
St. Paul's, St. Paul's, St. Paul's !


When press unhallowed foes;
'Fight on!' the old School calls;
See the eternal snows;
Pure be thy soul as those;
'Fight on!' the old School calls;
St. Paul's, St. Paul's, St. Paul's !


And when life's course is run,
'Homeward!' the old School calls;
Face towards the rising sun,
Wait for the glad 'Well done!'
'Homeward!' the old School calls;
St. Paul's, St. Paul's, St. Paul's !



O Heavenly Father, who hast set us here in the majestic grandeur of these mountains, make us ever mindful of the abundance of Thy blessings.

We praise Thee for our School, and for the heritage into which we have entered.

Take away whatever is unworthy from our midst; cherish and strengthen whatever is best.

Bind us more closely together in the spirit of loyalty and service, that our School may grow in spiritual strength, and may become an ever-increasing power for the extension of Thy kingdom in this land, Amen.