Mr SS Bose
22 Palace Court
1 Kyd Street
Kolkata 700 016
Messages (archived)!
Notice is hereby given that the 81st Annual General Meeting of the Old Paulite Association will be held at Mr. P.S. Bose’s residence, 26, Ballygunge Park, Kolkata – 700 019, India, on Friday, 25th September, 2015 at 7.00 p.m. to transact the following business:
1. To receive and adopt the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
2. To receive and adopt the Secretary’s Annual Report for 2014 - 2015.
3. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Accounts of the Association for the year ended 31st March 2015.
4. To appoint the Auditor for the year 2015 - 2016 and fix their remuneration.
5. To elect the Office Bearers and members of the Executive Committee for the year 2015 - 2016.
6. Any other business relating to the affairs of the Association, which in the opinion of the Chairman, should be discussed at the Annual General Meeting
Kolkata, 2nd September, 2015 Sanjoy Chatterjee
(Hon. Secretary- OPA)
Sanjoy Chatterjee - Clive 1984
(Hon. Secretary - OPA)
KOLKATA 700 022
MOBILE:94323 20727 / 98748 14036
Minutes of the 78th OPA Annual General Meeting held on 27th September 2012, 7 pm at the residence of Mr. P.S. Bose ( 26, Ballygunge Park, Kolkata – 700 019)
The AGM was called to order by Mr. S.B.R. Naidu (Vice President) who presided over the meeting.
He briefed the house regarding the OPA activities and requested the members to be more active and participate in all the events. He also requested the Executive Committee members to attend the meetings regularly to take the association forward.
Mr. Sanjoy Chatterjee (Hon. Secretary) welcomed the members and circulated the Secretary's Report along with the Minutes of the 77th AGM held on 5th August 2011 and the Audited Accounts for the year 2011 – 2012.
The minutes of the 77th AGM held on 5th August 2011 was read and passed. The motion was proposed by Mr. P.S. Bose and seconded by Mr. S.S. Bose.
The Secretary's Report which was circulated was read and confirmed. It was proposed by Mr. Rohan Ghosh and seconded by Mr. Sanjay Saraf.
The Audited Accounts of the Association for the year 2011 - 2012 was placed before the members present and the same was passed and adopted unanimously. The motion was proposed by Mr. Dilip Chatterjee and seconded by Mr. Hemant Chopra.
It was decided to continue with the existing Auditor at the same remuneration. It was proposed by Mr. P.S. Bose and seconded by Mr. Sanjay Saraf.
Mr. Hemant Chopra, Mr. Rohan Ghosh, Mr. Daniel Ghaznavi and Mr. Arijit Chanda were inducted in the OPA Executive Committee for the year 2012 – 2013. Mr. P.N. Roy, Mr. S. Khaitan, Mr. Rana Dasgupta, Mr. Srijit Basu and Mr. Sanjay Sarkar offered to step down because of their professional commitments.
Prof. D.N. Bose informed the House regarding the OPA (E) Annual Reunion he attended this year. Mr. P.S. Bose brought to the notice of the members that SPS has started 'Day School'. The Hon. Secretary said he will talk to the Administrator and find out about the same. Mr. P.S. Bose suggested that since Email IDs of the boys who passed out from school in 2012 are not available in the list provided to us by the school, we should send a letter to the postal addresses available and ask them to furnish the details required. Mr. S.S. Bose offered to help the Secretary on this issue. Mr. P.S. Bose also suggested that the school authorities should be requested to forward a copy of the ICSE and ISC results along with a copy of the Paulite Newsletter so that the Old Paulites can keep themselves informed regarding the developments and events in school. The Hon. Secretary said he will have a talk with the Administrator regarding the issues discussed at the AGM. Mr. Dilip Chatterjee asked the Hon. Secretary regarding the survival of the OPA in the future as not too many students were going up to school from the plains. The Secretary assured him that there was no reason for concern. We still have good number of Old Paulites based in Kolkata. Besides this we have spread our wings over the country and the continents and have OPA Chapters in North India, Mumbai, Sikkim, North East, Bangkok, Europe and North America which makes us a formidable strength to reckon with.
There being no other Agenda the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair and to Mr. & Mrs. P.S. Bose for hosting the same.